Admonitory letters
Advantages of writing letters
Asking for reply
Authenticity of letters
Christian vs. pagan letters
Copies of letters
Declaration of will of support
Delay in replying
Destruction of letters
Encouragement to pose questions
Excusatory letters
Insufficiency of letters
Introductory formulas
Lack of reply
Letters of congratulations
Letters of consolation
Letters of encouragement
Letters of recommendation
Literary style of a letter
Live discussions vs. writing letters
Memorandum (commonitorium)
Missing letters
Postscript to the letter not written by the author
Process of writing
Request for support
Responding to letters
Sending books and documents
Sending eulogia
Sending other gifts
Spread of letters
Storing received letters
The length of letters
The process of reading letters
Unsent letters
Wax seals
Ways of delivering