Christian respect for the jewish laws
ResultsIdea of implanting of Gentiles
ResultsJewish hearts as blinded and not able to see God
ResultsJewish laws as a provision for the human kind before Jesus Christ
ResultsJewish laws as acceptable for Christianized Jews
ResultsJewish laws as insufficient for salvation
ResultsJewish laws as necessary for Christianized gentiles
ResultsJewish laws as not acceptable for Christianized Jews
ResultsJewish laws as the signs of future salvation by Jesus Christ
ResultsJewish Pascha as a prefiguration of Easter
ResultsJewish people as expecting the same Saviour as Christians
ResultsJewish refraining from all work activities in Sabbath as ridiculous
ResultsJews as killing the prophets of God
ResultsJews as not knowing the righteousness of God
ResultsJews as removed from their homeland
ResultsJews as seeing God through a veil
ResultsJews as specialist in Hebrew language
ResultsJews unconsciously helping in Christianization
ResultsJudaism disguised as true knowledge